Thursday, February 26, 2015

Props/Motivated Lighting for Silent Film

Describe in detail how you will use props in your film to add dramatic value to your silent film, have props function as characters or externalization of character.
Most of the possible "externalization of character" stems from the use of costumes that add certain degrees of flair or ridiculousness (as my lead wears a stereotypical superhero attire, with plenty of wild designs across the spandex). I suppose a common thing associated with superhero costumes would be the large amount of gadgets and tools that accompany the hero. I want to give my aged hero his own signature "lightning bolt" of sorts that he carries around (to try to look threatening I guess).

Describe situations in your film where you will use motivated or unmotivated lighting.
Although lighting doesn't play the largest of roles in my narrative, I could definitely see having a strong motivated lighting scene during the beginning when the lead (out of his super suit) is in his office, dark lit with only a lamp light alongside his desk. He would grab his mask and outfit hung on the wall alongside the desk and as the scene finishes, he'd switch the light off as the scene ends in the pure dark.

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